Last Monday (16), the court of the 24th Civil Court of the Rio Court of Justice ordered the singer Eduardo Costa to pay compensation of R$ 70,000 to Fernanda Lima for moral damage.
Because in November 2018, the singer insulted the moderator on his Instagram. Eduardo wrote a post in which he called Fernanda an “idiot” and accused the show “Amor e Sexo” of being “leftwing, aimed at criminals and stoners and inciting the Brazilian people to sabotage it.” The moderator then addressed the topic of “women’s struggle” against machismo, racism and homophobia.
In the ruling, Judge Eric Scapim Cunha Brandão emphasized that the crimes increased the possibility of inciting violence against Fernanda Lima.
“The defendant, without adopting a friendly attitude, described the author as an “idiot,” since both parties are public and notorious figures and any derogatory comment on a prominent social media page would inevitably have farreaching consequences with thousands of followers then sharing and commenting .
“Although such a note may not in itself constitute an insult to honor, the context in which the expression was inserted indicates the possibility of inciting violent discourse to the detriment of the author, particularly by associating the post with political contexts , with which he has nothing to do with the author’s speech,” concluded the decision.