Effects of Covid19 on the body what is known so

Effects of Covid19 on the body: what is known so far? | Drauzio Varella

The symptoms of the socalled “Long Covid” affect at least ten organs and systems. Learn how to recognize the syndrome.

The first reports of persistent symptoms after infection with Covid19 started about six months after the start of the pandemic. The “long Covid” gained disease status shortly thereafter, in October 2021, in a document published by the World Health Organization (WHO) summarizing studies conducted in different countries.

According to the WHO, the condition affects people with “a proven or probable history of Covid19. Symptoms appear approximately three months after the onset of the original infection, last at least two months, and cannot be explained by an alternative diagnosis.”

PostCovid Syndrome, as it is also known, is characterized by around 200 symptoms affecting at least ten organs and systems. Another study, published this time in the journal BMC Medicine, grouped the symptoms most commonly reported by patients around the world by area affected:

head, eyes and ears

hair loss, dry mouth, dental problems, hearing problems, to humvisual disorder, conjunctivitisdry or red eyes.


Coronary heart disease, tachycardia, palpitationsheart failure, chest pain (angina), myocardial fibrosis, changes in cardiovascular conditioning, high pressure.

liver and kidneys

urinary incontinenceacute kidney injury, urinary tract infectionchronic liver disease, chronic kidney disease.


fatigue, FeverWeakness, loss of appetite, skin rashes, reduced performance, joint pain, nonspecific pain, sleep disorders, malaise, Sweatback pain.


fibrosisreduced oxygen supply to the blood.

Mental health

depression, fear, posttraumatic stressamong other disorders.

endocrine system

diabetes or worsening of existing diabetes control, hyperthyroidismsubacute thyroiditis.

gastrointestinal system

nausea or vomiting, reflux, Diarrhea, cold, gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), postinfectious irritable bowel syndrome.

nervous system

difficulty concentrating etc memory (brain fog), dizziness, headache, AVK, epilepsyDifficulty speaking, anosmia (loss of smell), ageusia (loss of taste), balance problems, peripheral neuropathy (weakness, numbness and pain in hands and feet due to nerve damage), Guillain Barre Syndrome, Restless Leg Syndrome.

respiratory system

Shortness of breath, Sore throatstuffy nose, Sneeze, Cough, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)excessive phlegm, wheezing, pulmonary fibrosispleurisy, pain when breathing, respiratory arrest, Asma.

vascular system

thromboembolism, anemia.

What causes long Covid?

The exact mechanism behind the postCovid syndrome is not yet known. According to Pesquisa Fapesp, there are three most accepted hypotheses about the origin of the disease:

  • By binding to the ACE2 receptor present in multiple organs, the virus would trigger changes within the cell that would lead to chronic disease;
  • After the acute illness, the virus would be stored in reservoirs for weeks or months, resulting in a long covid;
  • The virus and human tissue would have a similar protein that the immune system would recognize, triggering an enhanced autoimmune response.
  • How long does Covid Longa last?

    It is known that the disease can manifest itself in two ways: through acute manifestations with periods of wellmarked symptoms, interrupted by asymptomatic periods; or chronic, with stable symptoms since the end of the initial Covid19 infection.

    Data already shows that the condition usually lasts up to 3 months and in rarer cases can reach 12 months. The fact is that research on postCovid syndrome is still evolving and information is constantly being updated.

    Listen: DrauzioCast #157 | Physiatry in Medicine and PostCovid Treatment

    Who is most prone to developing the disease?

    According to the WHO, 10% to 20% of those infected with SarsCoV2 developed more persistent symptoms that can be classified as longterm Covid.

    The surprise was to realize that people who have had more severe cases of Covid19 are not the only ones who can develop Covid for a long time. Those who have had mild symptoms or have been asymptomatic can also have this condition. In general, women, middleaged people (between 45 and 70 years old) and people who had more symptoms of Covid in the first week of infection are more prone to developing the condition.


    Unlike Covid19 itself, there is not a single test or investigation that long diagnoses Covid. The diagnosis is clinical and made by healthcare professionals according to the patient’s report and the exclusion of other symptomrelated disorders. The tests carried out should therefore rule out other diseases.


    There is no specific treatment for long Covid yet, but it is possible to reduce and control the impact of the symptoms on daily life.

    Once you’ve identified with the symptoms, talk to your doctor about them to better understand what’s happening and get the treatment you need.

    See also: PostCovid Mortality