Salvadoran Vice-President Félix Ulloa pointed out that this step should go as far as an Executive Secretariat and create an institutional memory that will make it possible to refer to the agreements reached during the seven summits.
In another part of his statements, the Vice-President referred to the transnationalization of organized crime and the need to combat this scourge, which affects several countries in the region, head-on.
Ulloa expressed his country’s willingness to share its experience in dealing with the problem, noting that while other states are closing their offices in Haiti, El Salvador will open one to help fight criminal structures.
Likewise, he noted his country’s progress in tourism, thanks to several projects developed by the government of President Nayib Bukele.
In another part of his speech, he highlighted Brazil’s return to the regional group and dismissed the anti-democratic actions in the South American giant’s capital.
At the Buenos Aires Summit, Celac leaders reaffirmed their commitment to deepening integration and regional unity in a final declaration endorsed by the leaders of the 33 participating countries.
The document highlighted the full validity of the Proclamation of Latin America and the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace, signed in Havana, Cuba, in 2014.