Emma Marrone heres what she always carries He just

Emma Marrone, here’s what she always carries | He just can’t do without it Metropolis News

Emma Marrone, her secret revealed _ metropolinotizie.it

Emma Marrone’s little secret has been revealed to everyone: Here’s what the singer always carries in her suitcase.

Singer is one of the most popular talents of the talent show Friends of Maria De Filippi, Emma Brown She is one of the clearest and most sincere artists.

Very popular on social networks, where she has millions of followers, the singer from Salento tells the tale to her fans, without hiding secrets and mysteries about her life.

And just a small detail of Emma’s personal life was revealed on the Tim Summer Hits stage.

Emma Marrone and this alleged flirt with …

Emma Marrone has been single for a very long time and has always spoken openly about unlucky love. After the famous engagement with Stephen DeMartino At the time of Amici di Maria De Filippi, the singer was associated with the actor and director Marco Bocci. However, her name has not been associated with a man for some time and she herself admits that she is not lucky when she meets someone who might interest her. However, recently there have been rumors of one alleged flirting between Emma and the rapper Tony Effe. After the release of their first single together, many wondered if there was anything more than a professional relationship between them.

“I love him and I’m excited to sing with him,” Marrone clarified once and for all, who has always preferred to stay away from all sorts of unfounded rumors about her life. Straight from the Tim Summer Hits stage, however, the singer didn’t shy away from answering a presenter’s question: “What do you always have in your suitcase?”. While many expected an “ambiguous” answer, Emma surprised everyone confide his little problem to those present. “The meds, I’m a hypochondriac,” she admitted to everyone’s laughter.

Emma and the death of her father Rosario

Back to smiling after the death of loved ones Papa RosarioEmma Marrone never misses an opportunity to say a thought to the man from whom she inherited her passion for music.

“[…]Nothing is the same without you. I drag myself through things, my legs are tired like my soul, everything is shaking. Even the voice trembles because I want to scream your name, which runs down my throat together with tears – she wrote weeks after the heavy grief on social networks -. You were my anchor and my safe haven. The right measure of all things. You were just dad and I was his dad’s daughter. How hard is it to be me without you […]“.