Although the employment rate of people belonging to visible minorities is lower than that of the rest of the population, the gap in Quebec is narrowing, according to a new report from the Quebec Institute of Statistics.
The report thus found that the employment rate gap narrowed from -1.8% to -0.8% and from -9.7% to -6.8% for both men and women between 2016 and 2021. The gap in earned income is also narrowing.
While the employment rate for people aged 25-64 who belong to visible minorities is 73.6%, it is 76.9% for the rest of the population of the same age group.
“The employment rate of people belonging to visible minorities is higher in Quebec than in Ontario (70.1%). However, it is similar to British Columbia (73.8%), the institute said in a statement.
We see that the gap is smaller for people who immigrated to Quebec long ago. “Furthermore, among non-immigrants, the employment rate of people belonging to visible minorities is similar (78%) to that of those belonging to non-visible minorities (77%),” it added.