Employment Unemployment rate increased slightly in June

Employment rate among visible minorities: The gap is narrowing

Although the employment rate of people belonging to visible minorities is lower than that of the rest of the population, the gap in Quebec is narrowing, according to a new report from the Quebec Institute of Statistics.

The report thus found that the employment rate gap narrowed from -1.8% to -0.8% and from -9.7% to -6.8% for both men and women between 2016 and 2021. The gap in earned income is also narrowing.

While the employment rate for people aged 25-64 who belong to visible minorities is 73.6%, it is 76.9% for the rest of the population of the same age group.

“The employment rate of people belonging to visible minorities is higher in Quebec than in Ontario (70.1%). However, it is similar to British Columbia (73.8%), the institute said in a statement.

We see that the gap is smaller for people who immigrated to Quebec long ago. “Furthermore, among non-immigrants, the employment rate of people belonging to visible minorities is similar (78%) to that of those belonging to non-visible minorities (77%),” it added.