European Summit On the issue of immigration European populists

European Summit: On the issue of immigration, European populists exploded like a puzzle


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At the summit of the Twenty-Seven in Brussels, disputes erupted over migration policy between Rome, Warsaw and Budapest. An episode that could leave its mark, especially since there are countless issues on which there are differences of opinion.

Those who feared a populist alliance that could upset the political balance in the European Union (EU) can rest easy. The depth of the confrontation over European migration policy, which is a symbolic affair for these identity nationalists, between Italy on the one hand, Poland and Hungary on the other during the European summit held in Brussels on Thursday and Friday has made clear their divisions run.

Giorgia Meloni, Italian Prime Minister and patron of Fratelli d’Italia (FdI), has in fact taken a direct stance against her far-right partners, Poland’s Mateusz Morawiecki (PiS) and Hungary’s Viktor Orbán (Fidezs), who wanted to return the pact on Migration and Asylum, which the Twenty-Seven adopted on 8 June by a qualified majority (55% of States representing 65% of the population).

The latter oppose the “Solidarity” section of this legislative package, which provides for a system to relocate some asylum seekers between European countries in order to relieve “Solidarity”.