The American magazine “Variety” mentioned the upcoming arrival of the series “The Pearls”, which will be available on Club illico from May 11th.
In the short article, author Erika Soucy is asked to describe Pearls as the Quebec cousin of Mermaids, the 1990 Hollywood classic starring Cher and Winona Ryder.
The “drama” “The Pearls” tells the story of a single mother, Stéphanie Houle (Bianca Gervais), who is raising her two daughters, Laurence (Cassandra Latreille), 16, and Juliette (Anouk Tanguay), 9, in a small community on the North Shore .
It’s about single parents, early motherhood and female solidarity.
“I wanted to create a feminist series that would highlight women who don’t have the time or vocabulary to assert themselves. In the development of many topics that are ultimately close to my heart [la série] asks a question: “What does it mean to be a good mother?” Erika Soucy said, according to Variety.
On Instagram, Bianca Gervais was delighted that we were talking about “Pearls” in this renowned magazine.
The 13 half hours will be led by Hervé Baillargeon (“Six Degrees”). The cast also includes Jonah Bacon, Chantal Baril, Anthony Bouchard, Isaac Brosseau, Normand Canac-Marquis, Claude Despins, Camille Felton, Linda Malo, Bruno Marcil, Rosalie Pépin, Alex Pomerleau and Lucien Ratio.