Exwife of Andre Goncalves on daughter Cancelled blocked by father

Exwife of André Gonçalves on daughter: “Cancelled, blocked by father”

Journalist Cynthia Benini, 49, commented on the lawsuit brought against her exhusband, André Gonçalves, 46, over a debt related to child support of Valentina, the couple’s daughter, who is now 19.

In an interview with the show Sensacional, hosted by Daniela Albuquerque on RedeTV!, Cynthia says that André was a current father until the couple’s split, but over time “his career has rebuilt and become more distant.”

She was canceled by her father, blocked by him. If it hurts for him, imagine it for her. It’s not just a question of money.
Cynthia Benini on the ‘Sensational’ programme

“Father and mother have equal responsibilities towards a child and it is up to these two pillars to provide education, security and health for their children,” added the actor’s exwife.

Cynthia Benini attended the "Sensational", Show hosted by Daniela Albuquerque  Disclosure/RedeTV!   Advertising/RedeTV!

Cynthia Benini took part in “Sensational”, a program presented by Daniela Albuquerque

Image: Advertisement/RedeTV!

Journalist André Gonçalves recently “pinned” when she pointed out that he was unfit for work.

“He always fulfilled it as long as he could, but I think that responsibility is eternal. This money isn’t for me, it’s for her. But I really cheer for him, life takes care of it,” he concluded.

Cynthia Benini’s full interview airs today at 10:30 p.m. on RedeTV! aired. The show also features a conversation with actress Guta Stresser.

understand the case

In November last year, André Gonçalves was under house arrest with the use of an ankle bracelet ordered for nonpayment of Valentina’s pension.

This was announced by Sylvio Guerra, the actor’s former lawyer syringes that he has been unemployed since 2016 and therefore cannot pay the amount, which amounts to R$ 350,000, due to interest.

Cynthia Benini’s defense, in turn, substantiated the arrest warrant, stating that André was paid for works and owned an artistic production company. The firm also pointed out that “unemployment alone does not exempt the polluter from paying child support.”

The artist told O Globo newspaper he had tried to borrow R$450,000 to pay child support payments he owed his daughters Manuela and Valentina, but a debt to the IRS prevented negotiations with the bank .

André also revealed that some friends tried to organize crowdfunding to help him, but he refused. He also had a proposal for marketing director, which also didn’t materialize. The actor’s current partner, Danielle Winitz, was willing to help him pay overdue child support but also declined.

This was announced by the actor’s lawyer syringes that they are waiting for a notification from the judiciary and the arrival of the electronic anklet so that André remains under house arrest. He expected the actor to try to reach an agreement, but he still can’t reveal which one as it is a judicial process in secret.

André Gonçalves also told O Globo that he was retiring from acting amid the controversy.