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Fair weather alert! |

Are you ready ? It’s going to be sunny. Really nice. I am writing this column on Friday, the weather is already nice. You read it, the weather is even nicer on Saturday. And on Sunday it will be even nicer than nicer. It’s not me saying that, it’s the guy from MétéoMédia: “We’re predicting a long route with good weather. Possible heat wave, between Tuesday and Friday. »

Posted at 1:31 am. Updated at 7:00 a.m.


You got it right, heatwave! So it will not only be sunny, but sunny and warm. Yes! We want to do the Normand Brathwaite tappets.

Nothing is more unanimous than good weather. If we did a vote of confidence in good weather, he would get a score of 99%! Not 100. There is a tiny minority of people who prefer gray weather. You’ve been spoiled enough. It is up to us, the majority, to take advantage of it.

The good weather displaces everything! We speak of a media storm when one event eclipses all others: the Canadian’s conquest of the Stanley Cup, the disappearance of a sacred monster, a major catastrophe. The good weather is stronger than the media storm. He is outside the media. We don’t read it in the newspaper. We don’t hear it on the radio. We don’t see it on TV. We close everything and live it. The CAQ couldn’t have imagined a better week for increasing MPs’ salaries.

It would have rained, we would have followed everything, we would have been bitter. It’s sunny, argue among yourself, we’ll take care of the grill.

Good weather is the ultimate distraction. In the next few days everything revolves around him. No more beef music on the streets. place to the sounds of birds. In the supermarket, in the supermarket, on the bus, a single conversation:

“Aie, is the weather nice there?

– Provide that the weather is nice! »

Of course, the media will try to revive this euphoria by reporting on the good weather. A reporter stands in front of a fountain where onlookers are wading and squints, “Quebec is experiencing a record heat wave…” We know it! We know it!

When something extraordinary happens, it usually happens in a specific place. The coronation of King Charles III. in London, the Metallica show at the Olympic Stadium, the war in Ukraine. The media allows us to be there. But the good weather is everywhere. Both with us and with you. It doesn’t need to be shown to us on a 50 inch screen, it’s in our backyard as far as we can see.

The good weather is in control of the schedules. Netflix series, tours of underground Montreal and afternoons at the planetarium await. We only want one thing: to be where the good weather is. Be outside.

We used to call it “going outside to play”. Now we call it Outdoor. It’s the same offer, but it costs more. Before that we put a blanket on the lawn and then fled. Now we put living room sofas on the lawn and go the same way.

During this wave of blue skies, even our problems seem to get better. Nothing has such a beneficial effect on people as the sun. We are all green plants. Not only members of parliament, but also voters. We need the sun to stretch out and relax. flourishing. Of course we also need the rain. But you don’t have to hope for that, it will be good.

In the meantime, let’s enjoy these perfect days.

I know nothing is perfect. There was a time when there was a day of sunshine and heat. No longer. We are only in May. Is it global warming that allows us to splash in the pool? Believe in July? Is our happiness a harbinger of great misfortune? Most likely. We dance on the volcano.

Stupid you can not sunbathe anymore. You have to consciously pale.

And the craziest thing is that despite the announced apocalypse, despite everything we know, this week of good weather is still going to do us good.

May it illuminate our spirits in such a way that we awaken the desire to do everything possible so that future generations can also enjoy the beautiful weather.

It’s up to us to keep it beautiful.