Farmers choose helpers for the lantern test

Farmers choose helpers for the lantern test

Passersby were surprised with new dynamics at the draw for the lamp test this afternoon in “A Azenda 2022” (RecordTV).

Only six boxes with yellow and red dots appeared for the draw. Deolane, Babi and Pelé took the red ball and didn’t play. Kerline, Pétala and André took the ball that allowed them to compete.

Galisteu then surprised the pawns and said that anyone could choose any two helpers. “You have to have space and be able to listen well,” the moderator said.

Because she was the first to pick up the orange ball, Pétala chose Iran and Deolane. André has chosen Pele and Alex, and Kerline will take Deborah and Ruivinha as helpers.

Alex then got suspicious: “How will the stand be set up? Only the helpers go to the stand? Since it’s nine people, it doesn’t make sense,” he said.

Galisteu has already revealed the power chosen by the public to fill the lantern’s green flame: “Option B: ‘You get what’s left of today’ is the power.


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7. Winner: Deborah

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6th Winner: Guys Cardoso

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5th winner: André Marinho

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4th Winner: Pele Millows

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3rd Winner: Iran Malfitano

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2nd Winner: Deolane

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1st Winner: Iran Malfinato

The Farm 2022: Iran Malfitano is the first winner of the fire test

Playback / Playplus

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Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV


Antonio Chahestian/Record TV choose again

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