1704534159 Few people know why it is forbidden to smile in

Few people know why it is forbidden to smile in identity photos. We tell you everything – demotivator

Today we will explain to you why smiling in passport photos is strictly forbidden.

As the new year begins, you may already be thinking about your next summer vacation.

Of course, daylight saving time doesn't come right away, but if you're planning a trip, it's better to plan it as early as possible. Firstly, because it saves money in the budget. Then because certain administrative processes can take time.

Few people know why it is forbidden to smile inIllustrative image. Photo credit: iStock

Why aren't we allowed to smile on ID photos?

For example, anyone who changes their passport at the last minute knows better than anyone that paperwork can quickly become a real hassle, especially if we're missing supporting documents or the photos don't match.

Speaking of which: Do you know why smiling is forbidden in photos intended for identification documents? Contrary to what one might think, this rule has nothing to do with strictness, quite the opposite. This is nothing more and nothing less than a practical guide.

You probably know that in these identity photos you have to adopt a neutral facial expression, close your mouth and never smile. And the reason is ultimately very simple and logical. If you are asked to do this, it is only so that the facial recognition software can immediately recognize you during airport checks or when passing through a border crossing point.

The slightest physical detail that could distort your face could therefore prevent the recognition devices from functioning properly.

1704534154 216 Few people know why it is forbidden to smile inIllustrative image. Photo credit: IStock

This way, you’ll know what to do next time you visit the photo booth.

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