Fiorello and his wife passion for the stars the shower

Fiorello and his wife, passion for the stars, the shower is hot: so caught Tipiu

Fiorello was pinched while showering with his wife. The two exchange tenderness and outpourings, the shot went around the net in a few hours. They have been in a relationship for a long time and over the years they have experienced peaceful but also difficult moments.

Despite life’s adversities, they are a solid and close-knit couple.

Fiorello and his wife passion for the stars the shower

Fiorello, with his wife is an immense love

Fiorello it needs no special introduction. The showman is one of the most popular on the Italian screen. Overwhelming sympathy and good soul, the conductor has a wife who loves him very much. Their story began years ago, and despite the passage of time, they are still very close, accomplices and tightly bonded.

The star performer has had a very long and dense list of great achievements, but he’s also gone through some tough moments. A particularly dark and devastating one, but one he could count on to have his affection and support Wife.

Fiorello and Susanna, their love is a dream

Rosario Fiorello and his wife Susanna met in 1996. For him, it was an encounter that changed his life for the better. Here are his words “You begin to tell” as a guest in the program of Raffaella Carrà in 2019.

“If today I were a normal man again, if I understood that worldliness should only be lived when absolutely necessary, I only have to thank Susanna” – revealed Fiorello to the microphones of the Carra.

Fiorello and Susanna married in 2003 and were born of their love angelica in 2006. Today they are a committed couple like the first graders. Here they are in this recording, their harmony is palpable, the happiness of being close to each other. The photo was brought back from Nuovo, di Riccardo Signoretti.

The two exchange very tender outpourings on the beach, the delicacy of the gesture revealing all the friendliness and protection he has for his Susanna.

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