During the last social episode of Viva Rai 2, the showman and Fabrizio Biggio showed the presenter’s number and announced Nina Zilli’s pregnancy.
Published on: January 10, 2023 14:43:00
Source: RaiPlay
Viva Rai 2 is still on vacation, though Fiorello and Fabrizio Biggio They don’t miss their company on these cold January mornings: they are waiting to get up again Rai 2In fact, the show goes on Social, where the two comedians are always there with their morning programs. And the nice thing about live broadcasts is that there is no turning back: the two moderators are particularly aware of that after the broadcast double faux pas from this morning, which they could do nothing to remedy. So let’s find out what happened.
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Alessia Marcuzzi’s number
After accidentally revealing that Mara Venier was positive for Covid before announcing it herself, Fiorello and Fabrizio Biggio committed two slips in the same morning this time. Let’s get started Alessia Marcuzzi: A few hours after her debut at Boomerissima, the presenter was contacted by the two by phone, as often happens with the guests of Viva Rai 2. However, during the call, Biggio accidentally framed the phone screen that showed it phone number by Marcuzzi himself. A few minutes were enough, and the presenter began to receive thousands of messages phone calls and Messages from fans and spectators. We can only imagine that what we saw won’t stay showgirl’s act for long.
Nina Zilli’s pregnancy
During the live Instagram, Fiorello and Biggio also spoke about it Nina ZilliAuthor of one of the theme songs of Viva Rai 2. Just about the singer they joked about her love life and relationship danteaccidentally revealed an alleged pregnancy which – if true – should have remained private. “Thank you Nina with her boyfriend Danti. But do people know? Was that thing said? Publicly?” asked Fiorello, followed closely by Biggio: “About the fact that they are together?”. But the Sicilian showman insisted: “Ah, you don’t know either, we’re not saying. There’s something tender between them, but also something different. There’s something third.” These words were immediately interpreted as an announcement of Nina Zilli’s pregnancy, which, however, she does not have yet commented the history.
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