quotfriends 21quotits time for Serena to apologize to Celentano quot

"friends 21"it’s time for Serena to apologize to Celentano: " was wrong"


“No one really understands that…”. That’s how Serena had addressed the teacher before the umpteenth criticism a few days ago, romping about with her companions in the hut. A moment of anger, not in the hearts of the girl, who immediately repented. And he asked to meet Celentano in the rehearsal room for clarification.

” just wanted to apologize for the bad impression made and for the bad words said she starts . ‘m not like that, don’t know what was going through my head at that moment, but don’t believe those things.” Celentano appreciates the girl’s remorse. ” respect you, find you a polite, mature, intelligent girl he says . think you have some strengths. There is an outlet after the stress and anxiety of all these months, but unfortunately in these cases it just goes away. “The wrong side. was really hurt. That’s why didn’t want to get mad at you: was hurt and in disbelief.”

Then he invites them to look at all aspects and not just focus on a few. “One should weigh everything that is said to one he emphasizes not only the comfortable things or the uncomfortable things.” , who understood that she had slipped up in a very bad way. ‘m glad you wanted to meet me.”

Finally, he invites her to carefully read all the letters again. “Don’t just see the negative things he says try to read everything that is written”. She replies: “’ve improved with my teacher, with the many tasks he gave me, with the beatings and the beautiful things. n general, the more bad things ‘m told, the more ‘m tempted to improve myself.”