1691557591 Gala ComediHa by Marc Dupre Make humor like you pop

Gala ComediHa! by Marc Dupré: Make humor like you pop

Marc Dupré has become a comedian again, but as we saw at the Grand Théâtre on Tuesday night, his instinct as a pop singer trying to please as many people as possible has not deserted him.

The newly separated fifties who hosted the first ComediHa gala! Fest 2023 introduced an evening in the image of his musical career. He relied on a consensual sense of humor that could reach both men and women, but which eliminated any willingness to take risks.

Greeted like a rock star, Marc Dupré got the evening off to a good start with an opening number where, while trying to portray himself as an ordinary guy, he was surrounded by 2Frères, a rooftop acrobat and Véronique Claveau, who unsurprisingly that he imitates Celine Dion.

The same Véronique/Céline was part of the host’s other good moment when later during the gala she formed a thunderous trio singing “Un peu plus haut” with Dupré/Jean-Pierre Ferland and the great David Corriveau in Ginette Reno.

Too nice

Disappointment, however, when Marc Dupré, as promised, spoke about his relationship with his ex-in-laws Celine and René Angélil. His monologue poked fun at the famous couple, particularly the late impresario’s driving skills, too kindly to be actually funny.

When he poked fun at his sexual prowess as a 50-year-old in an uninspired emulation of the Backstreet Boys, we sensed that Marc Dupré was reluctant to step out of his comfort zone.

Nobody expects him to be as snappy as Mike Ward, but one would hope he dares a little more when he presents his solo show in 2024. Like a fish in water on a stage, Marc Dupré can captivate an audience with a snap of his fingers. He can be more daring and sometimes make us shudder.

De Martino and Vigneault stand out

Among the guests, Yannick de Martino offered the most hilarious monologue with his unusual observations. Example: “Wrestling is absurd, men in underwear fight for a belt.” »

Marc Dupré and Véronique Claveau presented the first ComediHa!  given a musical touch!  Fest-Québec, Tuesday night, at the Grand Théâtre.

Yannick de Martino at the Gala ComediHa! Moderation: Marc Dupré, Tuesday evening, at the Grand Théâtre. Photo René Baillargeon/QMI Agency

Laurent Paquin didn’t fail to talk about drugs and their effects, while Sam Vigneault was the revelation of the evening. His character as a half-bald guy from the region despite his young age, who accompanies his gags with an accordion melody, delighted the audience, who gave him a well-deserved ovation.

Pascal Morrissette had chosen a promising path by focusing on his lack of courage, but we would have liked a more powerful finish. Despite the good Gildor Roy’s reassuring presence and broken dynamic, the duo Brick and Brack lost us along the way.

Marc Dupré and Véronique Claveau presented the first ComediHa!  given a musical touch!  Fest-Québec, Tuesday night, at the Grand Théâtre.

Pascal Morrissette, Tuesday evening, during the Gala ComediHa! Fest Quebec. Photo René Baillargeon/QMI Agency

As for Richardson Zéphyr, he delivered some good lines, nothing more.

Stephane Fallu was Stephane Fallu. It felt like it was going nowhere with the couple’s topic being exploited a thousand times over by other comedians, but he managed to get us on the detour, the snore.

Matthieu Dufour has successfully attempted to destabilize the anxious Pascal Cameron, notably by inviting a gunman, the Bonhomme Carnaval and a… pony onto the stage.

Véronique Claveau then returned a third time in duet with Christian Marc Gendron to deliver unlikely duo impersonators, for example Mario Pelchat and Lady Gaga or Éric Lapointe and…yes, Céline again. However, as is often the case with numbers of this nature, the vocal performance was more impressive than the lyrics, which lacked bite.