1674542903 Gf Vip Pamela Prati sings Diva It is my tribute

Gf Vip, Pamela Prati sings ‘Diva’: “It is my tribute to Big Brother and to you Alfonso”. The reaction of the vippos

The twenty-ninth episode of Big Brother Vip doesn’t end with the usual Carmen Russo ballet, but with the latest single by Pamela Prati. At the end of the year, the showgirl released a single titled “Diva,” born of her journey indoors.

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Gf Vip Pamela Prati sings Diva It is my tributeGF Vip, Pamela Prati sings “Diva”: “It is my tribute to Big Brother and to you Alfonso”. The reaction of the Vipponi (Credits Red Communication)

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Pamela’s song

Feathers, sequins and colors are the main elements of Pamela Prati’s new music video, in which the showgirl is happy with the indoor experience between ’50s-inspired outfits and a Disney-style set.

«Diva is a song born in the courtyard of the GfVip house, first hummed on the guitar with my travel companions – says Prati – it has become the best piece with which I review the two months within the program . Written with Daniele Piovani and Lysa, we have combined a highly recognizable motif with the irony that is often the protagonist of my sentences. In this single – Pamela continues – you will find the Pamela diva but also the one who washes the dishes with Luca Salatino from morning to night, there will be sequins, Mikados and … Bellavia. I have always played the role of diva, both inside and outside the house – concludes Pamela Prati – with an ironic key I wanted to enclose a journey that has given me the most beautiful gift: the affection of the public».

The reaction

At the end of the episode, Prati sang her single, which the Vipponi got to hear for the first time. Reactions were most varied between those who laughed the entire time and those who instead immediately started humming the chorus, which is pretty catchy.

Last updated: Tuesday 24 January 2023 07:27