Gilberto Gil We must insist on strengthening democracy

Gilberto Gil: “We must insist on strengthening democracy”

Gilberto Gil spoke about the importance of democracy in an interview with Roda Viva on TV Cultura. The 79yearold singer analyzed the negative impact of Jair Bolsonaro’s (PL) government on cultural institutions.

“We were very upset, we didn’t expect this anger to take hold in the arts, in the cultural field. […] They were institutions strengthened in previous governments. Processes and development projects have been completely abandoned,” said Gil.

The artist reiterated that voting is an important tool to maintain the possibility of renewal in the country. “A large part of Brazil is asking for the replacement of those who are there,” he said.

“We are dismayed, but is that enough? It is necessary to fight, fight and insist on strengthening democratic mechanisms. Freedom of expression, elections, contemporary associativism with so many collectives are important. It is Brazilian society that takes its responsibilities hands”.

Following the interview, Gilberto Gil also spoke about miscegenation and cultural equality in postslavery Brazil. “It’s an abolition in process, in evolution. This is on the move and we’re moving forward.”

Brazilian Academy of Letters

Gilberto Gil recently took up the 20th chair at the Brazilian Academy of Letters. The artist reminded that in the past this position could also be taken by other singers.

“Tom Jobim even applied and applied for a vacancy, but he dropped out in favor of Antônio Callado, who was a close friend of his. He gave up his candidacy,” he said.

“Heitor VillaLobos should also be there and represent this place between the scholarly and the popular. Ari Barroso, Noel Rosa. Many could be there to represent the sung orality of Brazil,” the artist said.

Like Fernanda Montenegro, Gil began receiving his salary and weekly paychecks regulated by his attendance at academy engagements. After calculating UOL TABthis amount can exceed R$ 10,000 per month.

“I resisted for a long time, but in the end I accepted and they accepted me. Now they share with me the responsibility of insisting on the popularization of the academic,” he concluded.