Giorgio Manetti, interviewed by Tag24, returned to talk about Gemma Galgani and the current protagonists of Men and Women, including the return of Barbara De Santi and the farewell of Elio Servo.
Giorgio Manettiinterviewed by Tag24, came back to talk about it Gemma Galgani and the current protagonists of men and womenincluding the return of Barbara De Santi and the farewell to Elio Servo.
Men and women, the former knight of the throne Giorgio Manetti speaks: “I absolutely do not believe that the story between Gemma and Maurizio can have a future”
When dating between Gemma and Maurizio Laudicino, George is rather imperious and particularly skeptical:
“I don’t understand how he can be so interested in Gemma at 49 years old. Based on the settings you can then tell when a person is interested or not. And as a viewer, I don’t see much movement in this couple. I absolutely don’t think this story has a future. I don’t know Maurizio well and can’t give an opinion. These days, however, Gemma’s script is becoming repetitive. She is the lynchpin of the program and obviously those who approach her are influenced by the advertising. Generally, these are stories that are short-lived. I was one of the very few, if not the only, who asked Gemma out.
During a recent interview with Tag24, Giorgio had called Tina Cipollari “a tyrant.” el’commentator he replied that he found him ungrateful. In this regard, the Tuscan Seagull explained:
“You can’t make peace with Tina. As a viewer, I only expressed one opinion about the famous episode of Elio and the Cheese. It felt like a distasteful scene.”
Manetti He also spoke about the recent departure of Elio Servo and the return of Barbara De Santi:
“Men and women are a stage of humanity. The program is real because people behave as they do in reality. What happens in front of the cameras is that someone pretends, but the public notices. Apparently Elio was unable to give the speech that was suggested to him when he entered. He probably also felt the pressure of the audience following him from home. The commentators also played an important role, but ultimately it is their job to express their opinion. However, sometimes it goes too far and this isn’t really good. After watching a few episodes of Men and Women, Barbara caught my eye. I danced with Gemma in the studio. During the episode, Maria De Filippi asked Barbara how I was doing and she replied that I was too old. I laughed when I thought about the fact that she had been with Antonio Iorio. After that episode with Barbara we saw each other outside. However, after all the controversy, I didn’t expect her to return to her program.”
George explained he was single.
“Next to me, I want to have a woman who is a princess inside. I realized that it is not easy to find a wife at this age. I love being a couple, but I can only do it when there is a princess in the truest sense of the word.” of the word “On the parterre of the Oberland, Cristina Tenuta is very pretty and feminine”
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