1 of 1 Giovanna and MC Bin Laden from BBB 24 are no longer together
Giovanna and MC Bin Laden from BBB 24 are no longer together Reproduction
It's the end of the relationship between Giovanna and MC Bin Laden in “Big Brother Brasil 24”. During a conversation with Ráculo on Saturday evening (24), the girl from Minas Gerais told her friend that the relationship between the two ended because of the singer's decision.
- Angel's proof: Michel wins the test for the third time and brings Lucas and MC Bin Laden into the monster
- BBB Encyclopedia: Do you want to know everything about “Big Brother Brasil”? Access the BBB Guide!
“Bin just said we better stop,” the nutritionist explained.
Meanwhile, the “BBB” participant also told his version to Lucas Henrique, his ally with whom he shares the monster's punishment.
“There are some things I feel… I apologized to her when she felt I did something wrong and that was it. Yes, damn it, bro. I also dreamed about that person out there,” explained the São Paulo native. Lucas replies: “It’s a lot of things that stick in your head, right?”
“The person out there may be married, but I still know my exmotherinlaw likes me. At least I'm friends, and if you keep spreading things that aren't happening out there, that's bad too.” “You're wasting the person's time and you. It's wasting time too. I thought about the outside world. When I thought about it internally, it was embarrassing,” the MC adds.
In the dialogue, the Funk player mentions that he is uncomfortable sharing the game's experiences with Giovanna, who, in his opinion, cares more about her own partners in the house.
“It’s already uncomfortable for both of us. I'm going to take a 'break', which is better so as not to disturb anyone,” he concludes.
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