Gkays awkward interview with Lady Night draws backlash

Gkay’s awkward interview with Lady Night draws backlash

An interview at Lady Night that was described as embarrassing lets the public criticize the influencer Gkay. Because in several moments of the conversation with Tatá Werneck, she seemed to want to be in the limelight and want to be funny at all costs.

Tatá himself, in a joking mood with a true background, offered some pointers during the conversation. “You don’t even have water and you’re pretending to drink. I’m going to ask you to find a doctor. Medication is so important. You know you’ve ingested, don’t you?” said the presenter, while Gkay watered on spat the ground and acted insane.

Through social networks, her name ended up in the most commented topics. Most criticized her for pushing the issue. “I didn’t know it was possible to not even crack a smile on Tatá’s show, but apparently Gkay made it possible,” wrote one follower.

“I just watched Gkay’s interview on Lady Night and seriously it’s so awkward for those watching. It made Fiuk’s interview look like the best in the world. Climate cake and the guest who wants to overshadow the presenter,” said another.

“I don’t think I’ve ever felt so much shame from others in my life as watching Gkay. Worst guest and interview without a doubt,” added another viewer. Tatá herself, after showing the attraction, took to Twitter to give a moral. “Gkay has an inexplicable power,” he defended himself. (folha press)