Greece In survival camps families desperate to find loved ones

Greece: In survival camps, families desperate to find loved ones

Posted on 6/18/2023 8:40 PM Updated on 6/18/2023 10:17 PM

Video length: 3 mins

Greece: In survival camps, families are desperate to find their loved ones

France 2 articles written by

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L. Feuerstein, D. Fossard, A. Boulet, A. Kourounis – France 2

France TV

The assessment of the sinking of a refugee boat in Greece on Wednesday June 14 is still unclear. In Kalamata, the families of the disappeared await the possible identification of a loved one.

The 104 survivors of the shipwreck have been locked up in a camp for several days. Suhaib Dar came all the way from England hoping to find his brother. The Pakistani boy was among the estimated 750 passengers on board. “If he’s not here, I’ll see him at the morgue when I find him. This is my last chance to see him alive,” says Suhaib. 12 Pakistanis survived the tragedy. One of them confirms that his brother was present on the boat and that he did not survive.

A boat ignored by several ships

An Egyptian family has no news of a missing cousin. In front of the camp gate, survivors tell him that they don’t know him, but tell of the sinking: “The coast guard was next to the boat and they followed him for several hours. At some point he sent them ropes.” Help them, and after that the boat capsized for no reason.

Several other boats crossed his path before the tragedy, according to video filmed by a sailor from a merchant ship. The ship continued its voyage despite the visible signs of distress on board. The France Télévisions team, which did not allow entry to the camp, went to Kalamata, where the 78 bodies found in the sea were returned. Here other families are desperately waiting for news. Some even gave their DNA to allow the bodies to be authenticated.

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