Gugus alleged son demands a DNA test on the presenters

Gugu’s alleged son demands a DNA test on the presenter’s mother and brothers TV

Ricardo Rocha, who claims to be the son of Gugu Liberato (19592019), refused to carry out the DNA test with genetic material of João Augusto, Marina and Sofia Liberato, obtained from the presenter’s relationship with Rose Miriam di Matteo resulted. The trader’s defense stated that the three may not be the communicator’s biological children and demanded that the mother and brothers of the former SBT cooperate in the paternity investigation.

According to Folha de S.Paulo columnist Mônica Bergamo, Rocha did not accept that the examinations were carried out on blood or saliva samples of the three children that the presenter had acknowledged during his lifetime. For the lawyer in the case, it would be necessary to “expand the investigation by also collecting genetic material from the brothers of the ‘de cujus’ under investigation”.

The merchant’s defense attorney called on the presenter’s brothers, Amândio and Aparecida, and even his mother, Maria do Céu, who is 94 years old, to cooperate in the trial and provide the genetic material for the investigations. The dissertation was presented in return for the twins Marina and Sofia’s willingness to immediately dispel Rocha’s doubts about whether he was supposedly Gugu’s heir.

The main argument for rejecting the adolescents’ samples is the fact that they were obtained through artificial insemination at Roger Abdelmassih’s clinic. The doctor was accused and convicted of molesting and raping patients as well as carrying out genetic manipulation.

“All the facts surrounding the fertility clinic where Roger Abdelmassih was criminally charged for manipulating and using third party genetic material on his patients, creating children without the genetic profile of the real parents, and also these rumors about their biological origins of the children the “de cujus” examined [Gugu] raises doubts and requires greater caution in the investigations that are the subject of this lawsuit,” said Ricardo Rocha’s lawyer.

Attorney Nelson Wilians, who represented Gugu’s daughters, told the court that “the assertion about the paternity of Gugu’s legitimate children” caused “great surprise among the heirs,” who were willing to take the DNA test from the start.

Rocha filed the paternity test request in 2019. “I’m looking forward to taking the DNA test, I can’t wait for this moment. The moment I’ve been waiting for practically all my life. He’s never been this close, “I feel like it’s coming.” What I demand is this: recognition of paternity,” he said in an interview with Record.

The fortune left by Gugu is estimated at R$1 billion and a total of 11 people are involved in the dispute over his fortune. Recently, several details came to light, such as the recognition of the late communicator’s will.

The Supreme Court confirmed the validity of the document drawn up by the presenter, in which he bequeaths 75% of his assets to his three children and the other 25% to five nephews. He left nothing for Rose Miriam, mother of the presenter’s three children.