An explosion in northern Gaza on November 8th. AMMAR AWAD / Portal
THE TESTING PROCESS – Hamas asserts that Israel has dropped bombs near Hiroshima on the Palestinian enclave one and a half times since the fighting began.
Israel had promised to respond forcefully to the October 7 Hamas attack. His army first gathered its tanks around the Gaza Strip, from where the assassin Rezzou set out. It then hit terrorist group sites, prompting civilians to evacuate south before entering the narrow, 365 km2 region from the north. The bombings were particularly violent, particularly because the armed Islamist group is hiding in Gazaville’s urban environment, right down to the bottom of the miles of tunnels it has dug beneath the city.
Since then, concerns have grown over the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, which is normally home to more than 2 million people. The United Nations, Arab countries and Israel’s closest allies, including the United States, are calling on the Jewish state to respect the principles of international humanitarian law and spare civilians. And of course Hamas uses these calls to delegitimize its opponent and…
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