Hats out black Tshirts in Rockers conquer Jaguariuna and change

Hats out, black Tshirts in: Rockers conquer Jaguariúna and change the “landscape of the rodeo for Lynyrd Skynyrd G1

Lynyrd Skynyrd fans “storm” the Jaguariúna Rodeo Festival

Anyone who took part in the Jaguariúna Rodeo Festival was practically witnessing a social experience. The rodeo, one of the largest in Brazil, has a predominantly country atmosphere, but although the 2023 program also includes other genres such as pagoda, funk and electronic, it was not as big a breakthrough as this Saturday (23). seen a long time ago.

The appearance of Lynyrd Skynyrd the Jaguariúna Rodeio’s first international attraction since 2006, when Creedence Clearwater performed at the party changed the landscape of the event. Boots and hats were less present than usual, giving way to a sea of ​​literally hundreds of people wearing black band tshirts, including many from the North American country and hard rock group themselves. 🤘

Rock ‘n’ roll style looks didn’t just stop at band tshirts. Many leather vests, typical motorcycle outfits, long hair and beards were also seen in every corner of the Red Eventos complex where the rodeo takes place.

1 of 4 The Lynyrd Skynyrd show filled the Jaguariúna Rodeo Festival arena with “black tshirts” Photo: Marcelo Zanetti/g1 The Lynyrd Skynyrd band show filled the Jaguariúna Rodeo Festival arena with “black tshirts” photo : Marcelo Zanetti/g1

Lynyrd Skynyrd’s show revived Jaguariúna’s vocation to show attractions related to rock and roll, such as Creedence itself and Chuck Berry. g1 spoke to some Lynyrd Skynyrd fanatics to understand the experience of seeing the idols outside of their “natural habitat.”

2 of 4 The Lynyrd Skynyrd show changed the look of the arena at the Jaguariúna Rodeo Festival 2023 Photo: Marcelo Zanetti/g1 The Lynyrd Skynyrd show changed the look of the arena at the Jaguariúna Rodeo Festival 2023 Photo: Marcelo Zanetti/g1

“Differentiated Experience”

Alexa Jack, who lives in Jacutinga (MG), welcomed the opportunity to see the band in such a different environment. “We’re not used to being at rodeos, but Lynyrd Skynyrd are idols to us, so it will be a completely different experience,” he said.

“Knowing Lynyrd Skynyrd, it is an honor for us to experience Jaguariúna,” added Jose Marangoni.

Manuela Priscila de Oliveira from Paulínia (SP) appreciated the differences between the two target groups of country music and rock. “It’s a more mature audience that likes the music and the melody of rock,” he explained.

“The mix of styles is very important because Lynyrd is an American country music, southern rock music, so it has everything in common,” Rafael William added.

Elaine Nascimento, 43, said she preferred to go to the Lynyrd Skynyrd show at Jaguariúna Rodeio rather than the band’s performance in São Paulo. on Friday (22), at Espaço Unimed. “We decided to go here and have this different experience and it’s really cool,” he explained.

3 of 4 The Lynyrd Skynyrd show filled the Jaguariúna Rodeo Festival arena with “black tshirts” Photo: Marcelo Zanetti/g1 The Lynyrd Skynyrd band show filled the Jaguariúna Rodeo Festival arena with “black tshirts” photo : Marcelo Zanetti/g1

“May they keep it up.”

Rocker Alexandre Quadros recalled the other rockrelated attractions that Jaguariúna had in other editions.

“It’s just the crowd that’s different, but it’s not the first time the rodeo has brought in international rock attractions like Chuck Berry’s Creedence, Kansas in the early 2000s, so may they continue to do so.” , locksmith.

4 of 4 Fan of the band Lynyrd Skynyrd at the Jaguariúna Rodeo Festival 2023 — Photo: Marcelo Zanetti/g1 Fan of the band Lynyrd Skynyrd at the Jaguariúna Rodeo Festival 2023 — Photo: Marcelo Zanetti/g1