He is considered a Ukrainian war legend Ghost of Kiev

He is considered a Ukrainian war legend “Ghost of Kiev” is said to be dead

Legends surround a Ukrainian fighter pilot. On the first day of the Russian invasion, he reportedly shot down six of Putin’s fighter jets. The Kiev government tweeted this.

Now it says: The “Ghost of Kiev”, Major Stepan Tarabalka, 29, father of one child, is dead.

The Times reports this.

Tarabalka flew a MiG-29

Tarabalka flew a MiG-29Photo: Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Reportedly, Tarabalka was shot down while fighting “crushing” enemy forces in his MiG-29 on 13 March.

Two days earlier, the General Staff of Ukraine published a photo of the fighter pilot. Below the photo is written: “Hello occupants, I will take your soul!” (BILD reported)

How much truth the “Ghost of Kiev” legend actually contains is questionable.

Surely he will not have shot down 40 Russian fighter jets, as is said. After all, it is questionable whether Putin actually deployed so many in Ukraine.

But like many legends, there is probably a grain of truth to this one. Authorities say Tarabalka was an ace in the UAF (Ukrainian Air Force). He “ruled the sky over our capital”.

The fighter pilot was posthumously awarded the country’s highest medal, the “Golden Star”, for bravery in combat. He receives the title of “Hero of Ukraine”.

How many Russian warplanes actually shot down remain a legend in the end…

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