“Not yet Roger!” Hilarious moment where the cat gets too excited and tries to jump off the dinghy onto the sailboat and ends up in the water (but luckily she can swim!)
- The video was captured by the svphoenixstudio poster and posted on TikTok with the caption: “The day I found out Roger was an excellent swimmer.”
- The footage shows the inquisitive cat jumping onto the edge of the dinghy. The owner’s voice can be heard telling her cat, “Careful please… really careful… not yet.”
- Seconds later, the cat is seen taking a big leap into the sea, but miraculously it was saved by its loving owner
The video showed the hilarious moment when a cat, perched on the edge of a dinghy, tried to jump onto a nearby sailboat and ended up in the water – but miraculously survived the daring jump.
The video was taken by[poster’svphoenixstudio’theownerofthecatwhopostedtheentertainingcliponherTikTokwiththecaptionthat:’ThedayIlearnedthatRogerisanexcellentswimmer'[poster„svphoenixstudio“derBesitzerinderKatzeaufgenommendiedenunterhaltsamenClipaufihremTikTokmitderÜberschriftgepostethat:„DerTagandemicherfuhrdassRogereinausgezeichneterSchwimmerist“[poster’svphoenixstudio’thekitty’sownerwhopostedtheentertainingcliptoherTikTokwiththecaption:’ThedayIlearnedRogerisanexcellentswimmer’
Footage showed the inquisitive cat jumping onto the edge of the dinghy. The owner’s voice was heard telling her cat friend. “Please be careful… really careful… not yet.”
“Roger,” she yelled, as seconds later the cat was seen, four legs outstretched, splashing belly first into the seawater, inches from the sailboat he was attempting to jump onto.
The sound of rippling water could be heard in the background and the owner’s flip-flops could be seen moving across the raft while she made a soothing sound. “It’s okay… come back… Roger… Roger, come here.
The footage shows the inquisitive cat jumping onto the edge of the dinghy. The owner’s voice was heard telling her cat, “Careful please… really careful… not yet.”
“Roger,” she calls out, as seconds later the cat is seen, four legs outstretched, splashing belly first into the ocean water, inches from the sailboat he was trying to jump onto.
Though the video doesn’t capture the actual rescue mission, the owner was heard saying, “Oh my god… oh my god… I’m so glad you can swim.”
She continued, ‘You won’t do that again, okay?’ You won’t do that again.’
The soaked cat responded with a “meow,” to which the owner replied, “I know that could have been very bad.”
Hannah is Rogers’ owner and according to her blog, she describes herself as a “sailor and artist”.
“Everyone has an interesting and important story.” Each story is also multidimensional and unique. “Here’s mine,” she wrote.
Hannah has a passion for sailing. She has earned her USCG 25 Ton Masters License (Captain’s License) and shares accounts of the voyages she has taken.
“I’ve sailed in Vermont, Maine, the Caribbean and most recently as far as the Chesapeake. I have worked as a charter captain, racing coach and in a sailing loft. Now I own my own sailboat and live on board. It all started with a conversation. “An idea that grew and continues to grow,” she wrote.
In her post, she spoke about her art and the Etsy shop she opened in November 2021 called sv Phoenix Studio. She said she came up with the name because her art began aboard the sailing ship called the Phoenix.
Many people watched the video and seemed delighted with the stunt and relieved that Roger had made it back to the boat unharmed.
“Awww I’m glad he’s ok!” wrote one person in the comments section of the video’s repost on YouTube.
Another said: ‘Lol… so cute… I like his little sad meow at the end.’ If I could I would buy you a GoPro to see all the antics of your swimming cat!’