HM conducts an intelligence test on 1500 employees to decide

H&M conducts an intelligence test on 1,500 employees to decide who to lay off. The trade unionist: “You call me in tears”

The Swedish fashion giant HM wants to reduce the number of employees in Business Tech in Stockholm. A cut from 1,500 employees, he announced just before Christmas. According to the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, it has decided to introduce some tests to be presented to employees in order to select which employees to fire and which to keep: the aim would be to give management the opportunity to determine the level of intelligence and the type of employee judge personality. And thus determine their future. Robin Olofson, a representative of Unionen – Sweden’s largest union – told Svenska Dagbladet that she had received calls from crying H&M employees. Some of them said they had to undergo up to 30 different tests. The company justified the fact that the numerous tests should also help to get an overview of the skills of the current employees. After the drop in sales after exiting the Russian market and the increase in costs, the brand has decided to tighten its belt.

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