There’s Aries, Taurus, Leo… and then what? No, not the two unicorns. But the fox of the horoscopes. Only he: Paolo Fox, astrologer and television personality on the circuit since 1982, when Paolo Villaggio wanted to have him with him on an Odeon Tv television show, and few know that his stage name is the translation, pasi pari, of his personal details: in fact he was born in Rome in 1961 as Paolo Volpi born. The traditional gift at the end of the year, a book with astrological forecasts with the simple title appears again this year “Paolo Fox the horoscope 2023”. Lots of tips for love, work, fitness and marriage. Month by month, sign by sign. Discussions following his forecasts for 2020, when he called it “a beneficial year for travel and relocation, particularly in January and May,” are long over. But then Covid had arrived and it had become almost impossible to get around. It was even talked about Sunday In and Paolo, purposefully, had defended himself with wit and irony: “Ask virologists, not astrologers, about Covid. We’re talking about zodiac signs, we’re not magicians.” He then asked sarcastically, “But you end up burning me at the stake?”. No fire, also because he was right. Whatever opinion one might have about horoscopes, a pandemic certainly defies any possible prediction. But what will the approaching year 2023 look like? Here all the predictions are sign by sign.
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