HOROSCOPE FROM JANUARY 2 TO 8, 2023 Simon & the Stars

“Full Moon in Cancer”
(from January 2nd to 8th, 2023)

How are you? It is with great emotion that I share with you the horoscope for the first week of January, which opens the door to a year 2023 from which we expect great things! As I have said many times before, it is indeed a year when the caps blow off everything that has tied our hands in recent years. With all the signs, it is a year of personal confirmation and enslavement, in which it is important to remove obstacles, but above all brakes, fears and conditioning on the inner level. Pluto in Aquarius is synonymous with “great” revolutions for all twelve signs, but – for once – these are revolutions sought, desired, not “suffered”!

I have devoted much in-depth analysis to the New Year. THE HOROSCOPE 2023 with the princesses, the horoscope with films and many other insights. If you lost something, you can restore everything at THIS LINK! Or better yet, you can find it all in my book HOROSCOPE 2023 – THE ROUND OF THE YEAR IN 12 STAGES that this year gives us really gigantic joy! You can find it in all bookstores and digital shops or at THIS LINK! And if you buy it by January 8th, you can participate PLAY WITH SIMONour festive Astro Bingo (all information here LEFT!).

I just have to leave you with the horoscope of the week, lit by the beautiful full moon that is about to rise Friday 6th and Saturday 7th in Cancer the sign of family, rootedness and belonging. A full moon that represents us perfectly, because this is what we have created week after week, horoscope after horoscope during these (almost) ten years together: a large family of astro-curious people who share so much, far beyond the ” predictions”. “. . I will never stop thanking you for that.

A hug, good reading and above all a happy 2023 to all!
With love,