Horoscope March 2023 what are the lucky signs Tables and

Horoscope March 2023, what are the lucky signs? Tables and forecasts Il della Città

On it horoscope A lot has already been written about March 2023. Expectations for this historic moment when Pluto will enter Aquarius, accompanied by Saturn’s entry into Pisces, are high, sometimes overblown. We look at the possible implications on a global scale and study the natal charts of the heads of state – almost all of whom have very hard transits on the moon (moon = home).

The happiest signs of the horoscope for March 2023

We scan the sky with the certainty that sooner or later a flying saucer will be clearly and irrefutably visible to everyone. We are watching technological advances waiting for a new epochal leap in terms of speed of performance and improvement of AI. Above all, history is studied and one goes back to the time that began in 1776 and ended in 1798, or rather the recent memory of Pluto in Aquarius. Period of revolutions that also affected architecture, in which the functional gave way to the ideal and neoclassicism marked the end of the excesses and splendor of the rococo (Aquarius is the opposite sign of Leo), in the name of more essential lines and elegance.

Pluto in Aquarius it is represented by the revolutionary architecture of Boullée and Ledoux, whose works (like Newton’s cenotaph or the royal salt pans of Arc-et-Senans) fit perfectly into the cultural climate dominated by figures of the caliber of Isaac Newton, Voltaire , Diderot and Montesquieu representing the emblem of neoclassicism linked to the Enlightenment and the French Revolution.


uncovered. Jupiter and Mars bring you back to center, a position you love as long as it’s not being manipulated or imposed by others. Earning the middle is an act that affects you first of all, ever freer from suspicion and paranoia, ever more distant from misplaced expectations. When the climate is that of an imminent revolution, you do not seek refuge because your revolution began a long time ago.


No hesitation slows down your success. You will also have more time to reflect and organize your thoughts on the major changes that have shaken, uplifted, frightened, burdened, confused, or displaced many of you. You have clear ideas about where you want to be and you are very sure about where you no longer want to be. Now it’s about training the mind to detach, to endure a day, an hour, a month. A step-by-step exercise, an investment in the future.


The movement doesn’t stop. You have already lost those who tried to stop you, while those who accompanied, supported and inspired you today enjoy an undeniable trust. It is an integral part of your tireless growth process, which makes you travel around the world, moved by the urge to play and be amazed. Someone is already feeling the first shivers of Saturn’s wind, a stinging air that creeps between spring smiles and every now and then makes you want to retreat.


Head and heart move out of phase. It is difficult to maintain concentration, it is difficult to remain thoughtless. Everyday life is an interplay of excessive commitments and moments of peace that cannot easily be shared. The background is a squaring of Jupiter in Aries – active primarily for the second Decan – creating an atmosphere devoid of grace, pressure and nervousness. Between low discouragement curves and dizzying parables, it makes sense to keep a steady heartbeat toward the goal to give each vibration a measure.


Head and heart move out of phase. It is difficult to maintain concentration, it is difficult to remain thoughtless. Everyday life is an interplay of excessive commitments and moments of peace that cannot easily be shared. The background is a squaring of Jupiter in Aries – active primarily for the second Decan – creating an atmosphere devoid of grace, pressure and nervousness. Between low discouragement curves and dizzying parables, it makes sense to keep a steady heartbeat toward the goal to give each vibration a measure.


Braking, pausing, inducing relaxation. You call it up and dream about it, you want to program it, but it happens that you don’t even have time for that. It can of course be rescheduled, just keep the note in mind as the only guarantee that your well-being is thought of. As long as there is. While there’s still time. And juiced in this non-stop routine, not even a healthy diet of juices compensates for the bilious melancholy of a soul that would love to see the sea and stay in a bathing suit. While there’s still time.


If everything really changed, you would be ready. You would also be pleased to see the structures and systems you have always condemned now unravel and collapse miserably. When the time comes for other ideals, it can only be the time for yours, which to this day have been misunderstood and accused of uselessness. And this time, you won’t let others interpret them. When the part the universe wrote looks so much like yours, it’s time to get in the front row and show how to recite it from memory.


End of the square of Saturn. Even the hardened breathe a sigh of relief. The beneficial effects of Pluto and Neptune are shown in full force in the third decade in the form of important emotional and work conquests. Even those born in the second decade are recovering and are now ready to face a fundamental and difficult decision, but at last their costs and benefits are clear. Celebrate the first dean beginning a virtuous and empowering dialogue with the master of conscience Saturn.


A glimmer of light, a strip of water is enough and the desire to dive increases immediately. Courage is certainly part of your character, but the impulsiveness that characterizes this period between nervousness, insecurity and stubbornness should be limited. Mars insists on squaring, to which is added that of Mercury and, for a few, Saturn in Pisces. All require attention, evaluation, relieving tension and increasing muscle and mental tone. For once you can go down the steps.


Jupiter squared for the second decade increases transmittance. What was not even allowed to approach before now finds unpredictable openings and creeps in in the form of a thought, a sudden emotion, a spurt of desire. Infiltrating your goal of flowing to the heart is the boldest and most sensible action you can take. It will be an example for the third dean and also for the first who are about to repeat or receive this lesson on the power of devotion.


The dance doesn’t stop, it accelerates and becomes dizzying, disturbing, sensual. They are a perfect blend of technique and imagination, essential ingredients for those who love and dare to improvise. So thoughts and kisses go along with you, in a movement that makes everything elusive but ever present. Touch the world lightly and elegantly with your toes, fingers and heart, without being too absorbed in it, without staying too far away from it.


Saturn conjunction is approaching and some of you may feel that you have a choice to make. They have tried to escape here and there between dreams and real journeys to avoid a direct clash with reality, but today this no longer seems a viable solution. A request has already been made for something specific that you are not entitled to and which is nevertheless necessary for your exemption. Venus and Mercury help with the first steps. Direction: a newfound self-love.

Paolo Fox weekly horoscope from February 27 to March 5, 2023

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