Houthi terrorists hijack merchant ship in Red Sea com

Houthi terrorists hijack merchant ship in Red Sea .com

According to the Arabic press, the hijacked ship is the Galaxy Leader (photo) Wikimedia Commons

Houthi terrorists from Yemen, with the support of Iran, hijacked a ship transiting the Red Sea this Sunday (19) and then diverted it to a Yemeni port threaten to attack Israeli ships in retaliation for the bombings and siege of the Gaza Strip, an insurgent movement source told EFE.

The source, who did not want to be named, said the ship’s crew was currently “under investigation,” although he did not confirm that it was an Israeliowned or Israeliflagged ship.

However, the Arab press reported that the hijacked vessel was the vehicle transporter Galaxy Leader, which sails under the Bahamian flag and is partly owned by an Israeli businessman.

The source said Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea would provide more details in a statement soon, without providing further information about the incident.

The hijacking came after Sarea himself reiterated today that the movement would attack Israeliflagged ships and ships operated by Israeliowned companies, while calling on countries to “withdraw their citizens” who work on these ships .

On the 14th, insurgent leader AbdulMalik alHouthi had already warned that the Shiite movement was planning “additional operations to attack Zionist targets in Palestine and elsewhere,” stressing that it was doing so “in the red.” “We would do so at sea, particularly in BabelMandeb and its waters adjacent to Yemeni territorial waters.”

“We will not hesitate to attack them […] “Our eyes are open, constantly vigilant, searching for Israeli ships,” he warned.

Since The war in Gaza began on October 7thwarned the Houthis that they would not “stand idly by,” and have done so ever since launched a series of missiles and drones against Israeli territory.