Children’s cognitive development can be influenced by their digital experiences, new analysis shows.
Neuroimaging: This is the name of a technology that… Brain activities visible and therefore measurable. This allows, among other things, the effects of digital technologies on people’s brains. children to be examined. A recent review published in the journal Early Education and Development covers analysis of the global situation 33 studies carried out using neuroimaging. In total, data from more than 30,000 children under the age of 12 were included in the meta-analysis.
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“Like this Educators and caregivers should be aware that children’s cognitive development can be influenced by their digital experiences,” says study co-author Hui Li from Hong Kong University of Education, summarizing the findings in a press release.
The effects of screen time on the prefrontal cortex
Studies show the effect of screen time on the brain is particularly impressive prefrontal cortex. It is the basis of our working memory, where information is recorded and stored so that it can be retrieved later. The prefrontal cortex is also active when people plan something, solve complex problems, or react flexibly to situations.
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Also changes in parietal lobe could be observed. It is responsible for sensory sensations and helps people process touch, pressure, heat, cold and pain. Looking at a screen also affects the temporal lobe, which is important for memory, hearing and language, as well as the occipital lobe, which helps us interpret visual information.
The shape and function of the brain is affected
But what do these observations mean? How do digital activities affect brain plasticity – a prerequisite for any form of learning – during key stages of thinking organ development?
Based on the analysis, the research team comes to the conclusion that digital-first experiences have a significant influence about the shape of children’s brains and how they work.
For example, some studies discussed have found that screen time has a negative impact on brain functions responsible for… Attention It is Executive functionsthen mental skillswith the help of which we control our emotions, our thoughts and our actions, are essential.
Less interaction between brain areas
Other studies suggest that more screen time is associated with a less interaction between areas of the brain it is associated with language regulation and behavior control. And it has been shown that “intensive media use” can impair visual processing, that is, the absorption and processing of visual stimuli.
However, there is also good news: 6 studies have shown that digital experiences do this too. positive for brain function a child can have an effect. For example, it has been found that the ability to concentrate and learn improves. Another study suggests that playing video games can improve children’s cognitive abilities.
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Adequately guide and support digital use
Lead author Dandan Wu from the Hong Kong University of Education explains: “Firstly, educators and caregivers should recognize that children’s cognitive development can be influenced by their digital experiences. Therefore, they should guide children accordingly suitable for digital use. guide, include It is support.”
A limitation of the study, according to the authors, is the small number of research papers examined. There are also other important questions, such as whether it is early screen time or learning experiences that cause changes in brain function and structure.