I havent seen the script in a week Travessia actress

“I haven’t seen the script in a week”; Travessia actress exposes Perrengues behind the scenes of soap opera and rev…

TV and Celebrities

Ana Lúcia Torre plays Tia Cotinha in Travessia, the current nine o’clock soap opera on Rede Globo

Ana Lúcia Torre spoke about the © Playback/TV GloboAna Lúcia Torre spoke about the “internal problems” at the start of Travessia.

Ana Lucia Torre live for Aunt Cotinha In Crossing, the current nine o’clock soap opera on Rede Globo. The actress is one of the veterans who is part of the cast and helps spread important policies through the storyline she wrote Gloria Perez.

Despite the impact of the soap opera, Ana Lúcia wasn’t afraid to reveal that the work had internal problems when recording began. In addition to not collecting large numbers of court hearingThere were rumors surrounding the backstage of Perrengues’ production as delays in the delivery of the scripts.

> Ana Lúcia Torre spoke about the backstage problems at the beginning of the recording of Travessia (Reproduction/TV Globo)

In an interview with the Heloisa Tolipan, Ana Lucia confirmed the rumours. “We had a lot of difficulties, yes, because of a series of recordings internal problems. Our commitment had to be integral. We never knew what to do in two days,” he revealed.

Despite the troubles, the actress made it clear that the conflicts were just beginning and the soap opera was about to take off. “I’ve never seen a weeklong script with all that Ground, also because the production could not avoid the problems. Anyway, it was difficult. But I think things suddenly started to change public began to see it differently and it seems to me that this whole wave [de rejeição] lost a lot. The soap opera started out difficult, but it’s fine now,” he concluded.

23 years old, from Brasilia, lover of literature, entertainment, music and Beyoncé fan. He worked as an author in this segment for three years, contributing to communication vehicles in the capital.