If We Loved Each Other A new addition to the

If We Loved Each Other: A new addition to the concept will allow participants to be more relaxed during the broadcast – Showbizz.net

This year, the concept of “If We Love Each Other” is being expanded to include a major innovation.

After participants experience reality TV as a whole, they have the opportunity to sit on Guillaume and Émily’s couch and rewatch the episodes together.

You therefore have the opportunity to comment on your adventure afterwards. It will be very interesting to see how they react to the images we present to them.

This means they can’t be surprised by what they discover during the broadcast on television. We will recall that some former contestants regretted the editing of If We Loved Each Other and the way they were portrayed on the show.

Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge confirms in an interview that the candidates will be very self-critical during this retrospective.

Although last season the couples had the opportunity to take short trips to Quebec, this time they can leave Canada. Therefore, they will visit more exotic places than the Eastern Townships… In the trailer presented to journalists last week, we saw images of San Francisco in particular.

The first episode of Si on s’aime airs Monday, September 11 at 7:30 p.m. on TVA.