In addition to scratch cards you can also find your

In addition to scratch cards, you can also find your grandmother’s old fan: it’s worth 5,000 euros iMilanesi Siamo noi

Did you know that an old grandmother’s fan can be worth up to 5,000 euros? Here’s why.

Grandma's old fanGrandma’s old fan –

When one thinks of obsolete objects with significant economic value, the first thing that undoubtedly comes to mind is coins or stamps. In fact, there are many objects that acquire significant economic value over time. Proof of this is an old fan, the economic value of which can reach up to 5,000 euros. Let’s see why.

The value of time on old objects

Many of us have small treasures at home and are usually not even aware of them. Starting with the coins, have some of them a much higher value than stated, for both rarity and coin error. Each of us has perhaps at least once in our life held a 1 euro coin in our hands that could have a value of 100 euros.

When we add to that the amount of memories and old items crammed into basements, attics and garages, The chances of owning a treasure without knowing it are increasing.

value of old objectsValue of old objects –

In fact, there are many objects that change over time You gain value instead of losing it. So we’re talking about board games, comics and even grandma’s old fan. An object with so many years of experience that you would never believe that it could have any value other than emotional. The item that brought relief to our grandmothers for many years might be a small fortune today. So before you muck out basements and attics, It would be good to check if grandma’s old fan might be worth more than you think.

Fans have been used to cool off on hot, muggy days since ancient times. It is envisaged that The first fans consisted of leaves or bird feathershowever, there is no exact dating of its invention.

However, there is ample evidence for this Fans have been used since ancient Egypt, where they were made from braided palm leaves or with feathers. In China, however, fans were made of silk and jade and used both for cooling off and as a symbol of social status.

Grandma’s old fan worth 5,000 euros

Fans became popular in Europe from the 15th century and they were used both as a refreshment utensil and, most importantly, as a fashion accessory. Over the centuries that followed, there were fans manufactured in a variety of materialsincluding ivory, mother-of-pearl, wood and paper.

15th-century European fans often consisted of a carved wood or bone frame, and sheets of paper or silk were glued to the frame. This They were usually decorated with paintings or inlaysand often had handles in the form of animals or human figures.

The story of the fansThe story of the fans –

Rather large, as they are often used by several people at the same time to cool down on hot days, Some compartments might be large enough to cover the entire face of the person using them. In addition, fans, which were widespread in Europe in the 15th century, were often considered objects of luxury and prestige and served as a sign of social status. They were often given as precious gifts and decorated with motifs of great artistic value.

An interesting feature is that, as was usual with ordinary objects, The fans themselves were often passed down from generation to generation.

MoneyMoney –

It is precisely for this reason that it is important to know what year a fan is from. In fact, eBay even sells fans from the 18th century for 500 euros. For those from the Victorian era in mother of pearl, the cost can easily reach 5,000 euros.

Of course, there are many characteristics to consider, from the condition of use to the material used, but you may have inherited a truly unique piece without even knowing it.