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In an interview with “Fantástico , Zé Neto tells what he thought during the accident: “I’m going to burn

Musician Ze NetoCountry singer from the duo with Cristiano, granted a interview for the Fantasticfrom that globethis Sunday the 10th. He gave details and recalled the day of the car accident he suffered: “I tried to open the car door. This smoke came in, this smell. I said, 'My car is going to catch fire.' 'I'm going to burn in here.'

The singer suffered fractures in three ribs, received stitches to his arm and suffered a bruised lung from the impact. He has not yet been discharged from the Hospital de Base de São José do Rio Preto due to breathing difficulties, but is expected to leave the hospital early this week. “I remember the feeling, the fear, the first blow the car took. I remember my scream and the screams of the people sitting in the other cars,” he said.

“Thank God it was really just a shock. A short period in my life that will make all the difference in my life,” he said.

Born in São José do Rio Preto (SP), Zé Neto and Cristiano have been partners for 12 years with a focus on country music. Last year there were almost 12 million views on digital platforms. But at the end of last year, the duo almost broke up due to depression, which led to Zé Neto's excessive drinking.

“There was a show where he arrived in the dressing room and said he needed a whiskey to go on stage. We had an argument. I said that it couldn't go on like this and that I didn't want it anymore. “He vented,” Cristiano told the show.

The singer stated that he did not drink before hitting the road on the day of the accident. The reason was a promise to bring back his godson Miguel, the son of his partner Cristiano. The 5monthold boy underwent heart surgery. Everything worked.

“I haven't had a drink in over six months because I made a promise to Cris' son. It was these people who were responsible for my healing,” said Zé Neto. “That boy brought back Zé Neto. Drinking was an outlet for the depression I was carrying,” he said.

Zé Neto also emphasized: “There is nothing left of the car. But I am here whole and unharmed. A little hurt. So.” [estarei] back on stage to bring music and joy, and that’s exactly what we know how to do.”

What happened in Zé Neto's accident

On December 5, Zé Neto suffered an accident while leaving his ranch in the city of Fronteira, on the border between Minas Gerais and São Paulo. The vehicle he was in overturned after a collision on the highway. He was rescued with serious but nonlifethreatening injuries.

As the Federal Highway Police (PRF) announced, the accident occurred at 9:54 p.m. on the BR153, at km 246. Five people were injured in the side impact. Among the other injured, one had serious injuries and three had minor injuries.