In Germany the ecological change leads to a slump in

In Germany, the ecological change leads to a slump in the polls: the government is forced to weaken the law on ….

In Germany the ecological change leads to a slump in

The German government Slow down crossing ecologically. At least it served you Compromise to submit to Parliament Law on the heating of buildings. A goal that has been hanging in the balance for months obstacle placed between the texts of the economy and climate ministers Robert Habeck (Green) and construction Clara Geywitz (SPD) by the same liberal allies of the fdp. The agreement was wrested from the “right-wing” wing of the majority that backs the government of Olaf Scholz take into account objective difficulties And uncertainties arose in public opinion and was ridden by it opposites right and left. The draft law bundles the regulations for heating with those for planning heating networks and will generally come into force on next January 1st. Scholz himself had to intervene – worried by process capability in his majority with a loss of popularity – after the SPD is also behind in the polls Alternative for Germany. A rediscovered harmony, crowned by the presentation (with four ministers) also of the National Strategic Security Plan which also represents the climate crisis as the main problem. All of these problems come together in a country that uses a third of its energy for heating.

The law provides that the warming of New buildings comes from at least 65 percent renewable energy For new buildings, a new one needs to be installed on existing buildings Gas or oil boiler Only if it can be refueled with at least 65 percent green hydrogen or renewable energies (also additionally). thermal solar energy I’m indented too pellets). However, the planning of the events is predetermined district heating networks The communities must complete the work by 2028. The property owners can decide on the renovation of the heating systems heat pumpconnection to community network or suitable gas boiler a hydrogen or renewable. Working boilers do not have to be replaced, defective boilers can be repaired. So far only the 10 percent of Building And district heatingbut the government aims at the goal two-thirds by 2045 at the rate of 100,000 per year.

Greenpeace and the German Environment Association German environmental aid have received negative reactions, underscoring the fact that the provision is essentially a green light for the EU Gas central heating until 2028. From January 2024, the new rules will only apply to New buildingsHowever, as far as the replacement of equipment is concerned, this only applies if the municipalities have already implemented a district heating plan. This will only be possible in practice Baden-Wuerttemberg and maybe in Schleswig Holstein And Lower Saxony. There left regards majority compromise as a weak lowest common denominator; “to vomit” For Ralph Lenkertwho received a warning from the President of the Bundestag for these words Barbel Bas.

When presenting the draft law, Minister Habeck emphasized that the government had inherited 16 years of emptiness in the climate protection from the previous government, i.e. that of Angela Merkel. Habeck wants to have completed the process in Parliament by the summer break on July 7th.

The parliamentary group leader of the Cdu Jens Spahn He bemoaned the lack of clear wording, stating that new addresses had been added without being incorporated into the details and that the legislation should therefore be “rejected”. In fact, many details still need to be defined. The so-called “traffic light” majority agreed help individuals to cover me installation costs In the case of new ecological heating systems, the state will intervene by referring to the “Fund for Climate and Transformations” as far as possible adapted to the needs e.g societal needs. However, it has not yet been specifically defined how much and within what income limit. They then also want to ward off the tenants rent increases and for this a model has to be defined modernization contribution which is also to their advantage. Particularly unclear is the deadline an owner would have to install a new hydrogen-ready boiler if the municipality does not modify the gas network to make it compatible.

In this climate the governor of Bavaria Markus Soder (CSU, allied with the Christian Democrats) and his deputy Hubert Aiwanger (Free voters) who campaign for the election October Regionalsthey did not hesitate to feed populist tone in a demonstration for earthingdespite the fact that the nine-member Scientific Committee on Global Climate Change (WBGU), which advises the government, has made this clear necessary to intervene avert something damage to health. The Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach has already started consultations on the regulation of protective measures heat waves.


In the photo above – Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Economics and Climate Minister Robert Habeck