India 27 dead after consumption of adulterated alcoholic drink G1

India: 27 dead after consumption of adulterated alcoholic drink G1

1 of 1 Photo of Desi Daru drink — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram Photo of Desi Daru drink — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

At least 27 people have died after consuming adulterated alcohol in the eastern Indian state of Bihar, local authorities said. The number was released by Jitender Kumar, the region’s police chief.

Most of the victims were from poor areas and used to drink cheap, locally produced alcohol known as “desi daru,” he added.

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Despite police claims, some local media reported that the drink killed 40 people.

According to preliminary investigations, the drink contained methanol. In the past three days, police have arrested 174 people for illegally manufacturing, selling and supplying alcoholic beverages.

In addition, more than 900 liters of adulterated alcohol were confiscated and destroyed.

The sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages is banned in several regions of India, such as Bihar, which favors the illicit market for homemade beverages, which is often deadly. Hundreds of people die from poisoning every year.

In December, 37 people died in the same state from adulterated beverages.