Iran A leopard sows panic in a city in the

Iran: A leopard sows panic in a city in the north of the country

afraid of the city. A leopard attacked a police officer on Sunday morning, sparking panic among residents of the northern Iranian city of Ghaemshahr. He was eventually caught, local media reported.

The animal “attacked and injured a police officer before fleeing to a garden,” Mazandaran province environmental protection spokesman Kamyar Valipour told the official Irna news agency. “The police officer’s health is not a cause for concern,” he added.

The residents startled by the beast

A video circulating on social media shows a leopard standing on the ledge of a bank sign. Shortly thereafter, the animal jumps to the ground in panic and flees. According to the pictures, local residents are running in all directions and screaming in terror.


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After initially announcing his capture and transport to the Semeskandeh sanctuary in the same region, the Irna agency finally announced his death. The animal was shot twice. The provincial environmental department is investigating whether the animal entered the city from forested areas or was living illegally with locals.

Many wild animals, including wolves and foxes, have been sighted in urban areas in Iran in recent weeks, according to the city hall’s daily Hamchahri. In particular, the newspaper reports the presence of a bear in the town of Marvdasht (south) and a wolf attack on two elderly women in Khalkhal (northwest).