Isola 15 Massimiliano Rosolino throws a jab at Zorzi and

Isola 15, Massimiliano Rosolino throws a jab at Zorzi and Elettra

The fifteenth edition of The island of the famous under the direction of Ilary Blasi Last year he had the Olympic champion as his envoy for the first time Massimiliano Rosolino, making his debut on Canale 5’s reality show after the Rai experiences in Ballando Con le Stelle and Beijing Express, when it was still airing on Rai Due. The presenter had wanted the then fresh winner of Gf Vip 5 with her as a commentator in the studio. Tommaso Zorzi, Iva Zanicchi and Elettra Lamborghini.

The former swimmer recently gave an interview to the La Webstar portal, in which he made interesting statements about the current issue of L’Isola. As colleagues from reported, he was asked Rosolino if after the role as broadcast would ever participate as a competitor. The answer came immediately:

If I have looked very carefully at the island I would say that it is extremely fascinating, but now no, I would never say never, but not now.

What do you think of Big Brother instead? Rosolino wouldn’t even take part in this reality show, but his wife would see it just fine Natalia Titova!

Nono no GF but I would send the Titova! My dream is that she does a reality show somewhere so I can stay with the kids for a few weeks in peace! Just remember that a year or two ago Titova did a casting for Celebrity Island… I tried to send her away and in the end they got me!

This year Massimiliano Rosolino was replaced by in Honduras Alvinwho has already played this role in the 2015-2016 and 2019 editions Albert Bonato?

In my opinion he is the best correspondent ever, obviously I prefer myself then!

The lifeguard did very well Ilary, with whom he had the “Let’s have fun and who cares” pact. Instead, he didn’t like the behavior of the two young commentators:

On the other hand, I didn’t like the opinion leaders’ criticism of an educational issue. If you’re 25 and I’m 40…let’s shake hands and understand the roles a bit, it’s the ABC of the sport.

Max no names mentioned, but between the lines one can read a dig Zorzi and display Electralast year indeed Thomas He was 25 years old and the Lamborghini she is a peer of his age. If we remove VATthe largest of the three, the answer is automatic…