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Israel publishes new details about tunnels in Gaza

The Israeli military has published new information about Islamic Hamas' extensive tunnel system in the north of the Gaza Strip. The army said today that Palestine Square in central Gaza plays a crucial role. From there, “offices and apartments of Hamas’ political and military leadership” would be accessible underground. Information cannot currently be independently verified.

“Strategic tunnel route” revealed

On Sunday, the army announced the opening of a network of tunnels in the north. After the seizure of an area in Gaza city, more details of the “strategic tunnel route” were revealed, the army said today.

In addition to the stairs, elevators also made it possible to descend to the underground system. In some cases, food, water and electrical infrastructures were found. “In this way, Hamas terrorists were able to escape and remain in their hideouts for long periods of time,” he said.

Used by senior Hamas officials

The network of tunnels was allegedly used by senior officials of the organization, Ismail Haniya, Jahja Sinwar, Mohammed Deif and others, “to control Hamas’ operational activities.” This information cannot currently be independently verified.

According to media reports, the head of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Sinwar, and the head of Hamas's military wing, Deif, left the northern Gaza Strip during the course of the war. They are believed to be in the town of Chan Yunis, in the southern coastal zone. Haniya, chairman of the Hamas Politburo, has lived in Qatar with her family for years.