Israeli troops are advancing towards Gaza City Shani Louks mother

“Israeli troops are advancing towards Gaza City.” Shani Louk’s mother: “My daughter is dead” Open

Israeli troops are advancing towards Gaza City and are within sight of the city. Local sources told Ansa news agency that the troops were attacking Sallah-a-din, the main artery running through the entire Gaza Strip. According to witnesses on the ground, Israeli soldiers entered the eastern part of Sajaya district. “We have expanded our activities within the Strisci and strengthened the forces involved,” confirmed army spokesman Daniel Hagari. “However, I will not say where our forces are stationed, as their security is a priority.” Meanwhile, rocket fire from Gaza against Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip, particularly the citizens of Netivot, resumed after a pause of several hours. And Shani Louk’s mother said her daughter died.

The kidnapped girl

The mother of Shani Louk, the 22-year-old German-Israeli kidnapped by Hamas and recognized in a video in which the terrorists carried her defenseless and half-naked on a jeep, has announced the death of her daughter. In recent weeks it emerged that Shani was still alive but “seriously injured” in a hospital in Gaza. The family had made several calls for help to the German government. On October 7, Shani Louk attended a music rave attacked by Hamas terrorists. Shani Louk’s mother received confirmation of her daughter’s death from the Israeli army. According to the girl’s sister, who has access to the picture, the girl’s body has not yet been found. However, there is evidence from DNA from a skull bone. The family had already made the girl’s DNA available for possible matches some time ago. The young girl’s mother now suspects that Shani was shot in the head on October 7th.

The operations

At the same time, the Israeli armed forces’ operations in Gaza continue to increase. According to the military spokesman, dozens of terrorists were killed during the night “who had holed up in buildings and tunnels to attack the soldiers.” “Over 600” targets have been hit in the last few days. According to the spokesman, these include “weapons depots, dozens of launch stations for anti-tank missiles, underground hideouts and training areas used by Hamas.” During the night there was a raid by Israeli army soldiers in the West Bank city of Jenin. According to the Palestinian Authority Health Ministry cited by Wafa, four Palestinians were killed and nine injured.

Raid in Syria

In response to rocket fire from the Golan Heights into Israel last night, October 29, a number of Israeli warplanes attacked several locations in southern Syria. The Sana news agency reports that the Israeli air force attacked Syrian army positions in the southern governorate of Deraa. And Damascus says two military buildings were damaged in the attack. In eastern Syria on the border with Iraq, an Iranian military base in Pasdaran was hit by an air strike by unknown military aircraft overnight. The National Observatory for Human Rights in Syria reported that the raid targeted the Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ 47th Brigade (Pasdaran) base in Abukamal, on the Syria-Iraq border.

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