Israelis and Americans prepare for US Presidents visit

Israelis and Americans prepare for US President’s visit

According to Axios, citing U.S. and Israeli officials, Biden’s visit could take place late next week.

“However, we have no new trips to announce,” said Adrienne Watson, spokeswoman for the White House National Security Council and responsible for foreign policy, when asked by the EFE news agency.

A visit by Biden would be a significant show of support for Israel, the United States’ key ally in the Middle East, and would follow a visit to the region by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who is scheduled to meet with the prime minister today. Israeli Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Biden spoke with Netanyahu on Saturday. It was the fifth phone call between the two since the attack by the Islamist movement Hamas on October 7, to which Israel responded by declaring a state of war and bombing the Gaza Strip.

The Hamas attack claimed around 1,400 lives in Israel, the worst massacre in its history.

In the Gaza Strip, more than 2,670 people have died in nine days of war, the highest toll in the history of the enclave which has already recorded more deaths than in the 55 days of fighting in 2014 and the number of injured stands at around 9,600.

According to the latest data from the US State Department on Sunday, 30 US citizens were killed in the attacks. The State Department did not say whether the victims died as a result of attacks by Hamas or Israel.

In addition, 13 US citizens are missing, according to the State Department.

Also read: Biden says Israel’s occupation of Gaza would be a ‘grave mistake’

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