quotIt degrades cinemaquot Harry Potter Spider Man James Cameron attacks the

"It degrades cinema" Harry Potter, Spider-Man… James Cameron attacks the franchise logic prevalent in Hollywood – jeuxvideo.com

News culture “It degrades the cinema” Harry Potter, Spider-Man… James Cameron attacks the logic of franchises that prevails in Hollywood

Published on October 17, 2023 at 4:00 p.m


The Canadian director criticizes the current state of cinema and in particular the large franchises that are omnipresent in Hollywood.

These days, superhero movies like Marvel and DC Comics are in abundance. It is absolutely not uncommon to see them as they are ubiquitous in today’s cinema industry. While this situation pleases fans of the genre, Many people don’t know how Hollywood is developing. Several celebrities have spoken out on this topic recently, including Matt Damon (“Saving Private Ryan”), who believes that this type of film is not innovative in any way and contains scenarios that are very easy to follow and produce are.

Legendary directors also wanted to share their vision of things, like Martin Scorsese, who declared that superhero films were bad for cinema. In his opinion, it is the death of creativity because too much importance is given to productions that give the impression of existence carried out by artificial intelligence. James Cameron was less harsh on the subject, simply stating that this type of feature film was anything but epic. Although he didn’t comment more on superhero films, he gave a pretty strong opinion on the big franchises that dominate cinema.

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"It degrades cinema" Harry Potter, Spider-Man... James Cameron attacks the franchise logic prevalent in Hollywood

James Cameron doesn’t like big franchises

In the world of cinema there are some directors who are considered among the legends of cinema. This is the case of James Cameron, who has proven time and again how perfectly he masters this art in various registers. For this reason, he can be quite critical of this industry, which he particularly likes and whose development he does not like.. This is how the Canadian director used the film in an interview for Spiegel Online Battleship as an example to talk about the franchise system that he doesn’t like at all. For those who don’t know this feature film from 2012: It is simply a cinematic adaptation of the sea battle Liam Neeson and the singer Rihanna.

Now they want to make a film about the sea battle game! This is pure desperation, because it is now the “sequel business” that rules Hollywood, or as we call it: the franchise.

He then goes on to explain why he hates this type of business, which he says is “years ahead.”

Everyone in Hollywood knows how important it is that the film is already a brand before it hits theaters. If a brand like Harry Potter or Spider-Man has been around for a long time, you are years ahead of it… And therein lies the problem. Unfortunately, these franchises are becoming more and more ridiculous. Battleship. This degrades the cinema.

Whether it’s superhero movies or big franchises in general that don’t involve characters with superpowers, James Cameron makes it very clear: they don’t like them and at the same time think they are dangerous.

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