It smells like Maggi in the woods thats why you

It smells like Maggi in the woods that’s why you should turn around

In Bavaria, the wild boar population has increased significantly again. Animals still rarely dare to enter cities, as Thomas Schreder, vice-president of the Bavarian Hunting Association, revealed in an interview with BR. However, the probability of meeting animals in the forest or field increases.

Therefore Of course, the question of correct behavior arises in situations where the worst comes for the worst. Fortunately, there are some interesting tips and information that can help.

Recognize wild boar area – animals smell like Maggi

According to Thomas Schreder, if you walk carefully through the forest and have some experience, you can recognize the footprints of wild boar carapaces, as the animals’ hooves are called. To the untrained eye, however, wild animals’ digging spots can be better identified. They are caused by them digging into the soil in search of worms and grubs that live underground. Furthermore, according to the statement by hunting association member Dr. Gertrude Helm special smell from: They would visibly smell like Maggi – regardless of gender.

However, this peculiarity has nothing to do with the animals’ food or with the fact that some hunters lure them with Maggi. Wildlife biologist Konstantin Börner of the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research in Berlin this strangeness is pure coincidencete the pigs’ preference for Maggi is due, in their opinion, more to the glutamate flavor enhancer. Ultimately, however, one principle must apply when encountering wild animals: respect.

The animal protection organization PETA has this some behaviors summarized on your page, to help everyonemaintain that respect when encountering a wild boar. This includes: keeping your distance from the animal, recognizing and paying attention to warning signs, quietly withdrawing.

Keep your distance, watch for warning signs, back off – tips that can help

In a nutshell, these three tips mean that if anyone comes across one or more wild boars while walking or running, you should know about them. For your own safety, do not proceed. This applies in particular in the case of an encounter with a sow with young animals. So it’s time to pay attention to the warning signs: When threatened, a wild boar snorts, raises its tail or even chatters its teeth. If these signs appear when you encounter an animal, PETA says you should be very careful. In such a situation, it is better to follow the last tip and try to withdraw quietly and calmly. It is important to avoid hectic movements and loud noises.

When preparing to attack: clap your hands and get big

On the other hand, the animal protection organization’s advice in the event of an imminent wild boar attack seems a bit strange, but it should have an effect on the animals: If an attack is imminent, clap your hands and adopt a large, threatening attitude towards the animal.. Typically, this measure should act as an intimidation tactic and the boar itself should back off.

Be that as it may, it seems best to stay alert when walking or running in the woods and fields and avoid collisions with animals. This keeps the risk of harm as low as possible for you.

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