Its rasputitsa alarm here is the tsars new enemy

It’s “rasputitsa” alarm: here is the tsar’s new enemy

The now chronic difficulty of the Russian military are escalating day by day, as revealed by the US Department of Defense, the Pentagon. In addition to food and ammunition shortages, the Russians also lack fuel from ships in the Black Sea, and heavier clothing is needed for soldiers increasingly burdened by a stalled war. As we read in real time on InsideOver, the news has come that some units of the Russian troops are refusing to fight and are returning to the city of Sumy. This was stated by Dmytro Zhyvytskyi, head of the regional military administration. “This is the second case of the organized refusal of the Russian army to take part in the genocide of the Ukrainians during the war says the statements quoted by the UNIAN agency During a conversation with one of the commanders, it became known that neither he nor its fighters have no desire to fight in Ukraine.

What is the “Rasputitsa” alert?

But there is another enemy standing between the Russians and the conflict: the muddy conditions due to rain and melting snow are slowing the path of combat vehicles, especially those in rubber, but also tanks. Here she is Rasputitsa, the stop for mud, another reason why Putin’s army trudges and where it is literally bogged down. Social media is in an uproar comparing the Russian advance to Hitler’s push into Moscow during the harsh winter of 194143, which slowed the German advance into World War II during Operation Barbarossa. As IlMessaggero recalls, the term is applied to muddy road conditions in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine caused by poor drainage of the underlying clay soils in those areas. Roads are subject to weight restrictions and closures during winter and spring. This phenomenon was an obstacle in the Soviet Union at the beginning of the 20th century, since 40% of rural villages did not have paved roads.

organizational problems

Week after week the difficulties tripled and never stopped. The number of dead soldiers is already large thousands and it could be worse than the falls in Iraq and Afghanistan. The latest updated bulletin of the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces speaks of about 15,000 Russian men killed, almost 500 tanks destroyed, 1,535 armored vehicles blown to bits, along with 240 artillery systems, 80 multiple rocket launchers, 97 airplanes, 121 helicopters, 969 airplanes, 3 naval units. And again: drones, cars and so on. In short, a massacre updated daily to underscore how much trouble Moscow’s troops are in (with similar casualties, it couldn’t be otherwise). The problem is that such figures could be tainted by Ukrainian propaganda, intended as a military tool both to impress opponents of their heroic resistance and to dissuade them from going any further.