James Cameron says hes bored with streaming platforms

James Cameron says he’s bored with streaming platforms

During the Covid19 pandemic, streaming platforms have been very successful. After all, going to the movies wasn’t the most viable option back then, as you had to take care of yourself and your family.

Now, a little while later, we are no longer in that situation and things can get back to “normal”, mainly going to the cinema and watching a fun film with friends or even by ourselves.

But not only the viewers were happy about this return and the opportunity to accompany the premiere of a film with full cinema halls.

In this scenario, James Cameron, director of the second production of “Avatar: The Path of Water”, which will be released in December 2022, was also satisfied with this change.

Cameron and streaming platforms

In an interview with Variety on the Golden Globes red carpet, Cameron claimed to be fed up with streaming platforms; Therefore, seeing audiences go to the cinema to see his production made him very happy.

Read an excerpt mentioned by the director during the interview:

“When I see the box office going up, I think everyone will return to theaters.”

And then commented:

“Even in China, where there is a new wave of Covid19, people will see the film. We say as a society: “We need this! We need the cinemas!’ No more streaming, I’m sick of sitting at home.”

As for the grossing of the new title, it has already amassed $1.73 billion worldwide at the moment.

The situation of streaming in Brazil

Although James Cameron is tired of platforms, Brazil is the second most content consuming country in the world. streamaccording to a survey conducted in 2021.

More than 60% of families have at least one subscription, with Netflix being preferred among Brazilians, while Prime Video comes second.