Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck commit to having sex at

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck commit to having sex at least four times in their prenup…

The return of the flame between Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck will result in one of the most anticipated marriages in the entertainment world. Following the upcoming marriage announcement (the date of which is not yet known) between the singer-actress and the actor, rumors are now also circulating about their prenuptial agreement, which appears to contain a very detailed clause regarding their intimate life as well: according to Esquire’s revelations, J.Lo . In fact, he would have asked (and received) that a commitment to have sex at least four times a week be included in the agreement.

The reason for the request would be to avoid infidelity and waning desires and both guarantee to keep the flame of passion alive, albeit perhaps not entirely spontaneous. As whimsical as the clause may seem, it is coupled with what Lopez, 53, requested in his first marriage contract with Affleck, 49: The two, who were engaged between 2002 and 2004, should have married in this one as well. Occasion, but apparently among the reasons for the breakup was another request from the superstar, namely to receive $5 million in compensation in the event that Affleck cheated on her.

April 28, 2022 (Change April 28, 2022 | 18:40)