Former IBLP member Emily Elizabeth Anderson shares on the series that she was Jane Doe III as she preferred to be identified when she along with nine other women sued Gothard in 2016 for sexual abuse and harassment.
She recalls that when she was 14, Gotthard invited her to leave homeschooling classes and work “indefinitely” at IBLP’s Chicago headquarters. He told her that her father no longer loved her and “has lost all authority over her,” she claims, so Gotthard is “her new authority.”
Elizabeth describes an evening when Gotthard took her to his office and was visibly surprised to see a male assistant still working, assuming they would be alone.
Gothard resigned from the IBLP board in March 2014 after outside counsel launched an investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct, which ultimately concluded that he had acted “inappropriately,” if not criminally. When the IBLP announced the results of the investigation in June 2014, Gotthard said in a later-deleted statement: “My actions of holding hands, hugging and touching feet or hair of young ladies exceeded the bounds of discretion and were wrong.” .”
The now 88-year-old didn’t respond to E! for comment and declined to comment for the series. He had previously denied allegations of sexual misconduct.
The plaintiffs dropped their lawsuit in 2018, but told Recovering Grace (an online support community for graduates of IBLP and its homeschool curriculum, the Advanced Training Institute) that they “do not retract” their allegations or the incalculable damage would dismiss, whom we believe Gothard came into existence through his deeds and certain teachings.”
Elizabeth explains on the show why they stopped pursuing Gothard in court, aside from the statute of limitations and the financial drain: “You’re constantly rehashing the most horrible memories of your life and telling them over and over again. When you decide to move on.” In one instance, it’s also important for you to be aware of the emotional toll it will continue to take on you. To be honest, the cost was too high.”
Jinger Duggar, who detailed her break with the IBLP in her 2023 memoir, was the only member of her family to speak out, seemingly in response to Gothard’s legal troubles. In 2018, she tweeted that while she was a Christian, “I have to be honest and true to myself in tweeting this. I do not support Bill Gothard and the Institute of Biblical.” [sic] Life principles in any way, shape or form. I find his ‘teachings’ extremely questionable.”