This means that the district of Scheibbser has the third highest percentage increase compared to the previous year in all of Lower Austria. Only in Waidhofen/Ybbs (+57 percent) and Horn (+24 percent) did the number of people registered as unemployed in the labor market increase further compared to the previous year. However, these are also the three districts that typically always have the lowest unemployment rates. This is still the case at this time. The expected unemployment rate in these three districts is still around 3 percent, well below Lower Austria’s figure of 5.3 percent.
In fact, the increase in unemployment numbers affected men and women almost equally, as well as young and old people. At the end of September, a total of 593 people in the Scheibbs district were seeking employment or training through AMS. This is 83 more than in September 2022.
A look at the immediately available vacancies shows that the economic engine is also failing a bit in Ötscherland. 454 vacancies are registered with AMS Scheibbs. That’s a quarter or 157 fewer jobs than a year ago.
The numbers of long-term unemployed continue to evolve positively. There has been a drop of a quarter in the number of long-term unemployed people in six months. The number of people registered as unemployed for more than a year fell by just over half, to 17, compared with the previous year.
Scheibbs District labor market data at the end of September 2023 (comparison at the end of September 2022):
- Total unemployed: 423 (+70), women 193 (+39), men 230 (+31)
- Young people under 25: 63 (+16)
- Elderly people over 50 years old: 149 (+16)
- Foreigners: 82 (+26)
- Long-term unemployed for more than 6 months: 51 (-17)
- Long-term unemployed for more than 12 months: 17 (-18)
- People in training: 170 (+13)
- Vacancies: 454 (-157)
- Open learning places: 32 (-27)
- Apprenticeship candidates: 21 (+3)